Thursday, April 26, 2007
Our Manifesto pledges on Education, Law and Order, and Employment
Conservatives in Milton Keynes have a vision and determination to see that we have some of the top schools in the country. A Conservative Council managed Education Authority will become one of the most effective in the country. The Conservative pledge is that all schools will be good schools. We have the policies to meet the pledge across our primary schools by allowing them greater freedoms and less bureaucratic interference, allowing staff and parents to have the final say on all issues. Some secondary schools across MK will need closer attention, but the standards of education and the quality of school buildings will be greatly improved. We will strive to ensure that schools that are poorly regarded by parents and pupils will become the first choice school for people living closest to them. We pledge to fund schools to the levels set by the Government, and to spend more. We will support new and innovative ways of generating investment and introduce new behavioural management techniques to keep disruption in the classroom to a minimum through investment in a revamped and strengthened Pupil Referral Unit.
Specifically in Milton Keynes, Conservatives will;
1) We commit to properly fund our schools.
2) We will motivate all school staff properly with strong support, proper funding, and a commitment to put right those areas where there are still challenges.
3) We will develop, and deliver, high value schemes to enhance school buildings.
4) We will protect rural schools and faith schools which play such a vital part in the communities in which they serve.
5) Pledge to deliver new schools and education facilities on time and within budget, learning from the costly mistakes of our predecessors.
Law and Order
Your local Conservative’s know all too well of the consequences and difficulties that crime and anti-social behaviour bring with them. A Conservative led administration is determined to get to tackle the root causes of crime, as well as tackling the consequences. Specifically Conservatives will:
1) Give a greater priority and standing to the “Crime and Community Safety Partnership” which currently acts as the liaison and working group between the police and the council.
2) Reinstate the powers of the Traveller Management Unit (TMU) in order that those who adopt a traveller life style do so without impinging on the lives of the ordinary citizens of Milton Keynes.
3) Support and promote a fully staffed, 24 hours a day, seven days a week environmental services helpline to give the citizens of MK the ability to contact the council and report problems and disturbances that are not of a criminal nature.
4) Local Conservatives fully support the Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) initiative which is aimed at promoting community safety, tackling local problems, and reducing fear of crime. We agree to work alongside other key individuals who are representatives of the agencies from the voluntary and public sectors working in the community, together with local people to identify, and resolve, priority concerns and to further assist with crime prevention and community safety projects.
Employment, Business, and Prosperity
Local Conservatives recognise the importance of commerce, business, and industry to this new city as well as the rural areas of the borough. A Conservative led administration will strive to work with local business and business organisations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, to develop policies that will both enhance our existing businesses and attract new investment, but at all times keeping the needs of local people at the forefront of our thinking. A Conservative Council will take the leading role in setting the employment strategy for Milton Keynes rather than being dictated to by central government or any of its Quangos.
Conservatives in Milton Keynes have a vision and determination to see that we have some of the top schools in the country. A Conservative Council managed Education Authority will become one of the most effective in the country. The Conservative pledge is that all schools will be good schools. We have the policies to meet the pledge across our primary schools by allowing them greater freedoms and less bureaucratic interference, allowing staff and parents to have the final say on all issues. Some secondary schools across MK will need closer attention, but the standards of education and the quality of school buildings will be greatly improved. We will strive to ensure that schools that are poorly regarded by parents and pupils will become the first choice school for people living closest to them. We pledge to fund schools to the levels set by the Government, and to spend more. We will support new and innovative ways of generating investment and introduce new behavioural management techniques to keep disruption in the classroom to a minimum through investment in a revamped and strengthened Pupil Referral Unit.
Specifically in Milton Keynes, Conservatives will;
1) We commit to properly fund our schools.
2) We will motivate all school staff properly with strong support, proper funding, and a commitment to put right those areas where there are still challenges.
3) We will develop, and deliver, high value schemes to enhance school buildings.
4) We will protect rural schools and faith schools which play such a vital part in the communities in which they serve.
5) Pledge to deliver new schools and education facilities on time and within budget, learning from the costly mistakes of our predecessors.
Law and Order
Your local Conservative’s know all too well of the consequences and difficulties that crime and anti-social behaviour bring with them. A Conservative led administration is determined to get to tackle the root causes of crime, as well as tackling the consequences. Specifically Conservatives will:
1) Give a greater priority and standing to the “Crime and Community Safety Partnership” which currently acts as the liaison and working group between the police and the council.
2) Reinstate the powers of the Traveller Management Unit (TMU) in order that those who adopt a traveller life style do so without impinging on the lives of the ordinary citizens of Milton Keynes.
3) Support and promote a fully staffed, 24 hours a day, seven days a week environmental services helpline to give the citizens of MK the ability to contact the council and report problems and disturbances that are not of a criminal nature.
4) Local Conservatives fully support the Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) initiative which is aimed at promoting community safety, tackling local problems, and reducing fear of crime. We agree to work alongside other key individuals who are representatives of the agencies from the voluntary and public sectors working in the community, together with local people to identify, and resolve, priority concerns and to further assist with crime prevention and community safety projects.
Employment, Business, and Prosperity
Local Conservatives recognise the importance of commerce, business, and industry to this new city as well as the rural areas of the borough. A Conservative led administration will strive to work with local business and business organisations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, to develop policies that will both enhance our existing businesses and attract new investment, but at all times keeping the needs of local people at the forefront of our thinking. A Conservative Council will take the leading role in setting the employment strategy for Milton Keynes rather than being dictated to by central government or any of its Quangos.