Monday, February 19, 2007
It's priceless isn't it? Labour are planning to use this photograph of David Cameron and Boris Johnston to paint the Tories as "out of touch". Their reasoning? Well both Cameron and Johnston were members of the "Bullingdon Club", a university society that claims as its members the scions of wealthy families inherited of wealth. Oh, and they mostly went to the major public schools. Ergo, by virtue of the fact that they were fortunate enough to be born into wealthy families who could afford a decent standard of education means that they are "toffs" incapable of understanding modern lifestyles.
Well, let me suggest this. The internal handbook advising on a "Peace and Quiet" tax reviwe of the Council Tax system wants to penalise homeowners for having "good views", "nearby shops", and "peace and quiet". How many of us in the Ward of Sherington would be hammered unerasonably by this review of taxation do you wonder? The Lib Dems would love it, high taxation that isn't their fault!
This is the same government who:
- Banned hunting as an act of class warfare wasting huge amounts of parliamentary time and money to satisfy the political bloodlust of the back benchers
- Have hiked up taxes on the middle classes in spite of erassurances they wouldn't
- Raided your pensions to the tune of £5bn
- Raided your savings
- Increased the proportion of people paying inheritence tax
And it isn't just the supposed "toffs" and upper classes who suffer. They have stealthily penalised the middle classes by:
- Getting rid of the "Assisted Places Scheme" to enable children to attend independant schools who might not have otherwise afforded to go
- Dumbed down the education system that was the means of social mobility for many
- Piled tuition and top-up fees on the University system that unfairly penalises the middle classes
- Taxed fuel heavily, taxed air travel heavily, yet have failed to invest in alternative modes of transport
And yet they say we Tories are out of touch with the people we seek to elect us because a few of the parliamentary party went to public schools and Oxford. Just like Fettes educated Tony Blair for example. What sickening hypocrasy.