Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Fib Dems

The Fib Dems are at it again!

This time they are having a dig via their PPC, Jill Hope, at Mark Lancaster for not supporting MK by voting to increase Government funding to support the ailing finances of the city. Mark was abraod in his role as a Shadow Minister for International Development and was "paired" in the vote. If you haven't come accross pairing before, it is a system whereby MPs on opposite sides of the floor who are away are paired off against each other to effectively cancel out each other's absence for official reasons. That way one party does not have an unfair advantage over the other by timetabling debates and votes when MPs are away on official business. A quick check of the official records would have established this. But the Fib Dems love playing fast and loose with the facts to make them fit the line they wish to take.

Of course if the Fib dems could build schools on time and on cost with a degree of competence that means they don't fall down as soon as they are built and need more money to repair than they cost to build, then the City's finances might not be in such a bad shape after all. How typical of them to try and pass the buck of their own mis-management in any random direction inthe hope they can "smokescreen" their way out of trouble.

Nice try, but a "D-" attempt at best.

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