Friday, December 07, 2007


The Fib Dems

Thanks to the blog Ridiculous Politics for this entry:

Lib Dem lies .... again

"It seems to be a text book Lib Dem campaigning technique: get a disparaging comment about your opponent reported in the local paper, then "quote" the paper on a leaflet, misrepresenting your comment as the opinion of the paper itself. Then hope you don't get caught.

Well, after doing that in Moray in 2006, the Lib Dem spindoctors have been caught out again. Liberal Democrats in Watford have apologised to Watford Observer for misleading information contained in its latest campaign leaflet. The leaflet purportedly reproduces a quote from the Watford Observer stating: "The signs look good for the Lib Dems to topple Claire Ward the Labour MP" and attributes the words directly to the newspaper. But in fact, the comment was published as a quote from the local Lib Dem Mayor. Tut-tut. And the editor of the paper is not amused. Watford Observer group editor Peter Wilson-Leary said:

"We are very disappointed to have had this brought to our attention. Whether this was an unintentional slip or a deliberate ruse, it is very misleading and could be very damaging to our credibility. To the casual reader it suggests the Watford Observer is backing the Liberal Democrats when, in fact, we have said no such thing. The newspaper would never endorse an individual candidate nor their party for that matter." "

Where have we seen these type of dirty tricks before? Hyping up the Buchanan Report and attempting to link the authority who commissioned the report with MK Conservatives who opposed it, before accusing us of playing dirty by refuting the link.

The Fib Dems:


The Military Covenant

I'm delighted to see Douglas McCall ask MK Council to call on the government to honuor the covenant it owes our servicemen and women. The Royal British Legion is campaigning for improvements in the terms and conditions of servicemen as well as improved support for those who return from conflict zones with injuries, as well as support for the families less fortunate.

What a pity then that the "call to arms" omitted to join the Conservative MP for Milton Keynes North east, Mark Lancaster who is a serving TA officer and who has spoken out extensively in support of the RBL's campaign. This smacks of playing politics with what ought to be a united call for support accross all party lines.

What I find quite perplexing is that during the local election campaign, voters under 25, who were most likely to have anti-war views about Iraq and Afghanistan were written to and asked to vote for a Lib Dem councillor to express their views against those conflicts with a reminder that the Lib Dems would pull troops out of Iraq. I never cease to be amazed at the Lib Dems distaste for intellectual consistency. The Lib Dems are asking people to vote in local elections for a withdrawl of troops that can only be decided upon at a national level, in Parliament, by MPs, when we all know that the lib Dems are never going to be in a position to deliver nationally onm a promise they make at a local election.

I, like Mark, always believed that we were taken into Iraq on faslse promises. Now we are there we have an obligation to remain until we can restore law, order, and peace to that troubled land. As a former TA officer myself I have many friends, regular and TA, who are serving in Iraq and who believe that they ought to stay until the job is done. I suppport this view.

I'll go further and invite Cllr McCall to join me as a member of the British Armed Forces Federation who are leading a number of strategic campaigns for the benefit of serving and ex service personnel. Unlike the RBL their mandate is to lobby for the best interests of those who serve. They are policially neutral (insofar as part allegiance is concerned) and a "broad church". I also call on him to align his views with those of Mark and me and to add his voice to ours.

Finally, for those of you inyterested to know more about the work of the British Army in Iraq, I would commend the online magazine of US journalist and former US Marine, Michael Yon. You will find an excellent report on The Rifles (who have a TA unit in MK) at


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