Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Election week

I must say "many thanks" to the people I've met over the past few days who have offered support and encouragement while I have been out campaigning, especially those of you who have told me that you have voted for me by post. The initial results are encouraging!

My latest leaflet tells you more about me and why I fell I am best placed, as a family man with a career and previous service as an officer in the army and a young daughter, to understand the pressures of every day life that many of us face. I too have the same concerns regarding the quality of schooling, crime, transport (a particular bug-bear to those of us who commute), liesure and recreation, and the overall quality of life that attracts many families to the area.

I haven't just capaigned for a safer A509, and schools locally. I was also involved in setting up the British Armed Forces Federation, a reprepsentative group for service men and women to help them with the same problems and issues that you or I face, but which the forces chain of command is not able to do. We have campaigned to improve the housing and accommodation offered to servicemen, helping to ensure that servicemen deployed operationally are not disenfranchised of their vote after recent changes to the electoral registration system and so on. We have been referred to in parliament, the press, and I have been fortunate enough to represent BAFF at some high level meetings, along with Lt Col Douglas Young, with service charities, the MoD, and MPs. You can see more about BAFF on our website: http://www.baff.org.uk/Home.html There are a lot of servicemen in, and from MK. We have a Rifle Company of the Rifles Regiment based in the city!

Please remember a few points about my local election campaign:

I look forward to your support on Thursday. Please do remember to vote between 7am and 10pm.


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